Vackson heard a sound, he turned quickly. He scanned the area, all around him was the dense forest, lush with wildlife. Being unfamiliar with the environment, he continued slowly, cautious to what would come next. His mission was simple, get in, free the prisoners and get out. His mind was tense with thoughts of what was to come ahead. The trees were thick and the moonlight was not visible...if there even was moonlight. He had been in the forest for days, making the trek towards his destination, the thoughts of open fields and blue sky's were almost foreign to him by now. SNAP! A piece of wood broke in half beneath his foot. He got very still, the forest became silent to him, except for gentle footsteps ahead. He unbuckled his holster, retrieving the plasma discharger. As the steps came closer, he crawled to a nearby log. Taking a deep breath, Vackson peered over the log. His fears came true, a Diginori solider was approaching. "Could this get any worse?" he thought. "TO MA SO KA BE LO KO!"
The Diginori language was foreign to him. Pressing the controls on his forearm, Vackson turned on his translation chip. As the chip kicked in, the translation started coming through. "Captain, the distortion in the energy field seems to be nothing, I'm heading back," said the solider. This was good news, Vackson began to follow the strange creature, and put his weapon back in it's holster. "If this thing is out here, then the camp mustn't be far," he thought. It's armor was a slate gray color, with emerald ranks, this meant it was a sergeant, or at least that's what Vackson had learned back during training at the counsels headquarters. The helmet it was wearing was quite large, and appeared to have a projection display in the visor, similar to the one in Jackson own helmet. Just then, the soldier turned. Quickly, Vackson ducked. In the small portion of the creatures face he could see, it's skin was slimy with a dark blue tint. Abruptly, it turned back walking on the narrow forest path towards the camp. After several minutes of tailing the Diginori, Vackson saw the light of the base. The creature walked up to the gate. As it was standing there, a beam of light scanned it. After several seconds, when the beam turned from white to green, the gate opened. "It must be a biological scanner," said Vackson. BEEP BEEP BEEP. Vackson turned, there was a sound sensor beside him inside the tree trunk. His eyes scanning his immediate area, he drew his weapon, and set it for max power. Hearing a squad of Diginori soldiers heading for the now alarm clad gate, he looked up. "The branches," he thought. Reaching above, he hoisted himself on to the first branch, then another and another. Soon Vackson could see the immediate area with clarity, and had the element of surprise to pull of an attack on the approaching commanders. "Two plain uniforms, the officer I followed and...a Captain, piece of creambread". Vackson was lying to himself to conceal the anxiousness. No counsel soldier had ever escaped a Diginori attack before, even worse, the ones who survived were taken to camps such as these, where questions about counsel security, were tortured out of the POW's until death. If he was to complete his mission, this would be the first raid ever to be successful. He wondered why they sent him, but quickly, he remembered how they told him he was a special warrior, because where he came from. The Diginori were within 15 yards of his hiding place. Steadying his dischargers aim, his crosshairs came into contact with the first Diginori. BOOM! it dropped to it's death, a massive burn it's chest. Silently, he watched as the captain turned and said "keep your eyes open, he is near." Aiming again, the seargent he had followed earlier crept into his sights. Firing the discharger again, the sergeants body flew backwards, his head vaporized by the shot. "Nice knowing ya," was the words that came out of Vackson's mouth, but the sound of these words reached farther than he had anticipated, to the ears of the Captain. "The nemesis is there young one," the Captain said to his subordinate pointing directly at Vackson. Still reaching at the limb, the Captain began to pull back towards himself. Vackson was abruptly lifted and was being pulled quickly towards the Diginori. In midair, he fired a shot at the other foot soldier, and killed him. As soon as he did this this, the Captain used his other hand to revoke the weapon from Vackson's hand. Roughly, the Captain set him down, and with a booming voice, said "What brings you to the planet Diginoria?" Carefully thinking about his response, Vackson responded "orders." "What are your orders humanoid?" "That's classified," responded Vackson. "Put your hands up," said the Captain, motioning at Vackson's hands, situated perfectly at his side. Raising them up, slowly and carefully, Vackson flipped a small switch on the side if his helmet. This was the emergency evac switch. He had approximately 90 seconds till a teleport beam could lock on to him. possibly he could take out the Captain in that time, and find a couple of the prisoners. "What did you just do?", the Captain starred at him with a look of hatred and evil across his slimy blue face. Vackson remained silent, his hands raised. The Captain sent a small order into his com, and began to walk towards his new prisoner. Vackson took a deep breath, and with drew a deep calm from within. As the captain touched his arm, Vackson flipped him over the side. All Council soldiers are practioners of Ju Jitsu. but it was barley a match for the alien fighting style. Dodging, and trying to land a hit proved to be to much for Vackson, and he took a massive blow to the stomach. The display in his visor started counting down "10, 9..." The ship must have gotten a positive lock on him. He tried to deactivate the beaken on his helmet, he still had a mission to finish. But his attempt was in vain, the captain jumped in front him, grabbing his arm at the last second. Together they were teleported to the Counsel ship that Vackson had been dispatched from. Still engaged in combat, the two soldiers landed in the hanger bay. Looking through the large opening, the could see the planet below. A group of Counsel soldiers rushed toward the scene, surrounding the battle. "Your surrounded," said the voice on the shipwide com system. The fight ceased, Vackson stepped back in to the ring of soliders, and said "It's over sir, give the order to release the prisoners". Fiendishly smirking, the Captain stepped back, grabbed his Comm, depressed the button, and said "This is Captain Ofgorm, I have a special order for you all...Kill the prisoners. Laughing hysterically, the Captain looked at Vackson, and said in his deep, booming, evil voice..."your welcome". The Soldiers around fired their dischargers at the Captain, and in that second Vackson let out a very long "Nooooo".
To be continued.....
November 5, 2015
September 23, 2015
September 18, 2015
September 15, 2015
May 2, 2015
Comic Books and Long Lines
Today is FCBD 2015, and last week was Winston-Salem Comic Con.
Winston-Salem Comic Con
In case your wondering...yes I cosplayed. This time I went as Nacho from the cult classic "Nacho Libre". As soon as I got in the door, I was split up from my group to take pictures with some other atendees. All together, I think I posed as Nacho for a photo-op 4 times. The big issues I was planning on buying were all the issues of " Darth Vader", "Star Wars" and "Amazing Spider-Man" I had missed(I haven't picked up my subs since January). After no succes of finding Star Wars #2, I finally found it at one of the smaller booths, but quickly learned since my last visit to the comic shop, that the 1st and 2nd printings of #2 had sold out, making it way more valuble than issue #1. When I aksed how much it was the man said $ response was okay, and I walked away. Eventually I found a 1st print #2 without a bag and board for cover price, I snagged it fast. Also I bought the remainder of Spider-Verse, which I have now was 100% amazing. I continued walking around with my friends, bought some Doctor Who issues, and some 50c Todd McFarlane Spider-Man books. Eventually we left, and walked over to the Earth Day fair, which was also happening on the fairgrounds. While there we got a group photo with Dora and Tigger. We finished out the day with some mexican food, and hung out for a while.
For the full list of comics, stay tuned for "VGTR Live #005", coming soon to the VGTR YouTube channel.
Free Comic Book Day
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The group...and our new friends |
Free Comic Book Day
Now, I'm currrently out of town, so I missed the FCBD event at Burke Street Comics. I ended up going to a store here in North Myrtle Beach called Apocolypse Comics. They had alot of stuff going on, including a cosplay contest a Super Smash Bros. gaming tournament. I stayed true and stood in line, and was subjected to hearing plot spoilers for Age of Ultron. Also while in line I heard a couple of Dudes complaining about the existance of a Jane Foster action figure(Thor's Girlfriend), " Who'd want her in thier collection? she doesn't fit in with the rest of these figures.". My solution(which I didn't share) is: A die hard Star Wars fan would buy it, and redress it as Padme Amidala. Makes sense, right? Once inside I picked up all the FCBD issues I wanted, and some Indies I've never heard of. It wasn't the best store I've ever been in, but I was able to get my books, and that's what counts.
Doctor Who and FCBD, can't go wrong! |
Thanks for stopping by!!!
May 1, 2015
Where Have I Been???
All over the world is the answer...not really.
I haven't posted to the blog here in 4 months now, I hit another one of those streaks where I forgot to post to the actual blog. Since our last meeting I've started up the VGTR Facebook Page, and updated the YouTube semi-regularly. I've even watched 2001: A Space Odessy at the suggestion of a few Google+ user.
The landscape of all things geeky has changed over the
last few months, Star Wars: TFA had another trailer, The Marvel comics multiverse is coming to an end, and the new 52 became 49. What sparked me to come and tweak some things here today, is the release of Age of Ultron(which I will see soon). It's a reminder that I do have more thoughts to share, and more on the way soon. Initially when I began this blog, it was to share my thoughts on the PS2 games I had been playing, and eventually movies and comics too. It was all less. I'm going to change that from now on. Reviews are inevitable, and I will continue to write them, BUT, other content will be popping through the VGTR blog as well.
As well as reviews, I'm also going to write about geek news when I feel like it, but the gem of the blog is going to be the YouTube channel. I'm in the process of reformating "VGTR Live" to make a fun, entertaining, and informative show. The first 3 episodes are actually all different formats, but none of those worked. The next format(and the one I'm going to stick with), is similar to that of nighttime talk shows, just condensed to a 10-15 minute run time.
I hope you stick around to see all the fun things I have planned for VGTR soon.
January 9, 2015
In Just Dance, the TV screen is your mirror, where it goes you go. You follow the avatar dancing on the screen as best as possible, either hand free or with the remote depending on the version. Unlike the similar Dance Dance Revolution, Just Dance tracks your hand movements, meaing there's less to think about. Also, instead of weird obscure songs, Just Dance has popular current songs and some classics, everything from Call Me Mabye to Jail House Rock.
Some songs can have suggestive lyrics, but they're never too bad.
The avatars you follow are always animated in bright colors, and pop out from the colorful backgrounds. This really isn't the type of game where graphics matter.
Just Dance 4 is a easy game to pick up on, even for chubby gamers as my self. It's not especially fun to play alone, but it's one of the best multiplayer games...ever. I own the Wii version, and I've played the kinect version, but personally prefer the wii version. This is due to the fact that in tighter spaces kinect can't fully track movement, while the wiimote can. Now as far as tracking goes, even on kinect it's still only looking for your right hand. Overall both versions are the same, except for the music video that kinect makes. My favorite dances have been "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Superstition". Again this is a great party game, and anyone can pickup on it.
9.5 out of 10
Did i mention the workout mode, Just Sweat? Nuff Said!
Developed by Ubisoft
Published by Ubisoft
Rated E10 by the ESRB
Released in 2012
For Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U
In Just Dance, the TV screen is your mirror, where it goes you go. You follow the avatar dancing on the screen as best as possible, either hand free or with the remote depending on the version. Unlike the similar Dance Dance Revolution, Just Dance tracks your hand movements, meaing there's less to think about. Also, instead of weird obscure songs, Just Dance has popular current songs and some classics, everything from Call Me Mabye to Jail House Rock.
Some songs can have suggestive lyrics, but they're never too bad.
The avatars you follow are always animated in bright colors, and pop out from the colorful backgrounds. This really isn't the type of game where graphics matter.
Just Dance 4 is a easy game to pick up on, even for chubby gamers as my self. It's not especially fun to play alone, but it's one of the best multiplayer games...ever. I own the Wii version, and I've played the kinect version, but personally prefer the wii version. This is due to the fact that in tighter spaces kinect can't fully track movement, while the wiimote can. Now as far as tracking goes, even on kinect it's still only looking for your right hand. Overall both versions are the same, except for the music video that kinect makes. My favorite dances have been "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Superstition". Again this is a great party game, and anyone can pickup on it.
9.5 out of 10
Did i mention the workout mode, Just Sweat? Nuff Said!
Developed by Ubisoft
Published by Ubisoft
Rated E10 by the ESRB
Released in 2012
For Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U
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