May 2, 2015

Comic Books and Long Lines

Today is FCBD 2015, and last week was Winston-Salem Comic Con.

Winston-Salem Comic Con

In case your wondering...yes I cosplayed.  This time I went as Nacho from the cult classic "Nacho Libre".  As soon as I got in the door, I was split up from my group to take pictures with some other atendees.  All together, I think I posed as Nacho for a photo-op 4 times.  The big issues I was planning on buying were all the issues of " Darth Vader", "Star Wars" and "Amazing Spider-Man" I had missed(I haven't picked up my subs since January).  After no succes of finding Star Wars #2, I finally found it at one of the smaller booths, but quickly learned since my last visit to the comic shop, that the 1st and 2nd printings of #2 had sold out, making it way more valuble than issue #1.  When I aksed how much it was the man said $ response was okay, and I walked away.  Eventually I found a 1st print #2 without a bag and board for cover price,  I snagged it fast.  Also I bought the remainder of Spider-Verse, which I have now was 100% amazing.  I continued walking around with my friends, bought some Doctor Who issues, and some 50c Todd McFarlane Spider-Man books.  Eventually we left, and walked over to the Earth Day fair, which was also happening on the fairgrounds.  While there we got a group photo with Dora and Tigger.  We finished out the day with some mexican food, and hung out for a while.
For the full list of comics, stay tuned for "VGTR Live #005", coming soon to the VGTR YouTube channel.
The group...and our new friends

Free Comic Book Day

Now, I'm currrently out of town, so I missed the FCBD event at Burke Street Comics.  I ended up going to a store here in North Myrtle Beach called Apocolypse Comics.  They had alot of stuff going on, including a cosplay contest a Super Smash Bros. gaming tournament.  I stayed true and stood in line, and was subjected to hearing plot spoilers for Age of Ultron.  Also while in line I heard a couple of Dudes complaining about the existance of a Jane Foster action figure(Thor's Girlfriend), " Who'd want her in thier collection? she doesn't fit in with the rest of these figures.". My solution(which I didn't share) is: A die hard Star Wars fan would buy it, and redress it as Padme Amidala.  Makes sense, right?  Once inside I picked up all the FCBD issues I wanted, and some Indies I've never heard of.  It wasn't the best store I've ever been in, but I was able to get my books, and that's what counts.  
Doctor Who and FCBD, can't go wrong!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

May 1, 2015

Where Have I Been???

All over the world is the answer...not really.

I haven't posted to the blog here in 4 months now, I hit another one of those streaks where I forgot to post to the actual blog.  Since our last meeting I've started up the VGTR Facebook Page, and updated the YouTube semi-regularly.  I've even watched 2001: A Space Odessy at the suggestion of a few Google+ user.

 The landscape of all things geeky has changed over the 
last few months, Star Wars: TFA had another trailer, The Marvel comics multiverse is coming to an end, and the new 52 became 49.  What sparked me to come and tweak some things here today, is the release of Age of Ultron(which I will see soon).  It's a reminder that I do have more thoughts to share, and more on the way soon.  Initially when I began this blog, it was to share my thoughts on the PS2 games I had been playing, and eventually movies and comics too.  It was all less.  I'm going to change that from now on.  Reviews are inevitable, and I will continue to write them, BUT, other content will be popping through the VGTR blog as well.

As well as reviews, I'm also going to write about geek news when I feel like it, but the gem of the blog is going to be the YouTube channel.  I'm in the process of reformating "VGTR Live" to make a fun, entertaining, and informative show.  The first 3 episodes are actually all different formats, but none of those worked.  The next format(and the one I'm going to stick with), is similar to that of nighttime talk shows, just condensed to a 10-15 minute run time. 

I hope you stick around to see all the fun things I have planned for VGTR soon.