March 14, 2013

Wii Sports

File:Wii Sports Europe.jpg

With so many sports games aiming at realisim, as opposed to pure fun, it's hard to play them for hours straight.  Ninteno changed this, when they released the Wii with a game that comes short in many ways, but is still the best game for the console.  Please enter Wii Sports. 

There are 5 sports in this game, we will go over each.

Baseball-It's very basic arcade baseball.  One player hits the ball, by swinging the remote like a bat.  The other player flicks the remote, and uses the face buttons, to control pitching.

Tennis-2 players keep the ball going back and forth, but watch it...where you swing is where it goes.

Golf-Hold the remote down, and swing, just like the real deal, face buttons are used to turn, and change clubs

Bowling-Use the Remote as a bowling ball(don't let go)

Boxing-Uses the nunchuck and remote, simulates arms, to players swing at each other(technicly not at each other, but beside each other.

Two other modes are existant, and they are Practice, which has minigames related to each sport, and Fitness Age, a test that give you 3 of the 15 minigames at random, and based on your performance, tell's you your "fitness age".

This game has better than normal Wii graphics.  The cartoon Mii's do it justice.

ALL AGES!!!!!!!

Wii Sports is a great game, and if you have a Wii, you most likley have it.  This review is more for people who bought their Wii second hand.  It's more fun than your average sports game.  8.5 out of 10.


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