So since this review is happening so long after the film is out, i'm going to spoil part of the film by stating that this, unlike the first of the reboot series, this one is a remake. More specifically, a remake of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.
Around a year after the events of "Star Trek", the crew of the enterprise is surveying a class M planet named Nibiru, and when there's a volcano that is about to erupt that will kill everything on the planet, the team put's Mr. Spock inside a volcano with a cold fusion device, but in order to get him out of the volcano, they have to fly the enterprise over the top of the volcano, allowing the native species to see them, thus violating the prime directive. Captain Kirk's command is revoked for this action, and Spock is resigned to another ship. Around this time a fugitive named John Harrison instigates a bombing in London on a Starfleet archive, and then flees to the Klingon homeworld of Kronos. Captain Kirk's Command is re-instated and he takes his crew on a manhunt for John Harrison-the most dangerous adversary the enterprise ever faced, in both the n+ew series and the original series(Hint Hint).
Star Trek has many times been compared to classical music, when compared to the rock n' roll style of star wars. This changed with Star Trek (2009), so basically the enterprise take many more hits in this film, than it did pre-Search for Spock(Enterprise was blown-up in that one), people being sucked out of the ship while it's at warp, and a mega gunfight with the Klingons(they all die as well). There's some sexual innuendo, most notably the underwear scene, but all together this makes up for 10 seconds of the film. Language is the biggest issue of the film all together, as it is all throughout, although not constant.
As this may not be the best film ever made, and has it's many flaws, it's still one of the better Star Trek adventures of the bunch, (12 films, 500+ episodes). I personally enjoyed this one more than 2009, but that was due to seeing all of the references to things that happened in the original series. It's a fun watch, but as I like to say it's a great movie if your a trekkie, if not, than it's just a good one.
8 out of 10
see IMDB
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