The original Forza...
Virtua is a racing simulator, akin to Gran Turismo or Forza. It's realistic, it's hard to control, it's plain awesome. OK, so by today's standards Virtua is laughable, But it does include crashes.
Step 1. Pick a Course-Beginner, Medium, Hard.
Step. 2 Race, it's that simple.
After the pit crew gives you gas and back's off. You take off and essentially begin a check-point race. The # place your in when time run's out is where you'll finish at. If your like me, and you stink at 90s games, then you probably won't make it past here the first few times.
Again pretty laughable by 2014 standards (which are too high in my opinion). While the 3D polygons look pretty bad, you can still tell what's going on. Another thing to realize, is that when this came out, the tech to make polygons was expensive...Really expensive. This game may look cheap...but the cartridge retailed at $100 US Dollars, $50 over the standard price. The arcade version is better (I've heard, haven't ever played), but we're talking about the Sega Genesis version.
Like racers? Like Retro? Love the Genesis? Then Virtua Racing is for you!!!
What I really love about this game, is that it is a great example of what the Genesis can do. The graphics, and game play might not hold up well when compared to newer games 20 years later. But it's still a ton of fun.
8.5 out of 10
Released 1994 (1992 in the Arcade)
Rated E by the ESRB
Developed by Sega AM R&D #2
Published by Sega
For Genesis, Saturn, 32x, Arcade, and PS2
This review is for the Genesis Version ONLY
P.S. Don't take advice on how to play V.R. from me
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