The long forgotten PlayStation mascot...
Crash is a peacful bandicoot living in the austrailan islands, who is genetically modified by the evil Dr. Neo Cortex, to become a milliatry leader. After being found unworthy, crash is abandoned and thats where the game begins, with a wacky plot full of wack. But we do have to admit, games like this usually aren't the best at story telling.
Crash is a platform game akin to Mario in some respects. You guide Crash along narrow jungle paths, collecting strawberrys, smashing boxes, dodging crabs, skunks and other animals, and avioding obsticles. This is a "3D" game, but the way the levels play, it's more like a 2D game from a different camera angle.
The basic PS1 chunkies, nothing special by today's standards, but for then awesome.
It goes for a cartoon look (obviously).
A fun platformer exclusivee to PS1, but not as good as Mario/Sonic other like games. The makers of Crash later made 3 sequels, and the developed the Jak and Daxter series for PS2, and even more recently, the Uncharted series, and the last of us. If your looking for a fun classsic title to play, I reccomend downloading this one from the PSN.
8 out of 10
While admitedly not the greatest game ever, the originality is always a merit for a higher score. Spinning being the only attack, the querky characters and enviroments, and the strawberries, all contribute to this score, although being modeled on other games,
Crash Bandicoot is certainly a one of kind.
Developed by Naughty Dog
Published by Sony Computer Entertainment
Rated E by the ESRB
Released in 1996
For PlayStation, re-released on PSN for PSP and PS3.
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