Nathan Drake, you've gotta love em'...
Some time after Drake's Fortune, Nate is just hangin' round' a bar, when two old freinds approach him. They have a "job" they need him to particpate, in which would see them braking into a museum, and stealing a ceramic peice that belonged to Marco Polo, and Nathan just flat out agrees to help. Upon retreiving the artifact, they discover ta map, and a chip of lengendary Cintomani stone. After Nate talks a tad bit too much, he is stranded by his partner flynn , captured and sent off to a prison cell. Sully eventually bails him out, and they follow in Flynn's footsteps, and find the entire cintomani stone. They both deduce that Marco Polo, was on the trail of Shambala, the mythical city that housed the tree of life.
Nate then leaves off on a daring quest, to stop the tree of life's power from falling into the wrong hands, by stopping thousands of baddies singlehandedly, because he can do that.
Uncharted 2, keeps many of the elements from the original game, and also introduces new ones. We have the same run n' gun style action of the first game, and more climbing and jumping segment's akin to mario. The level of action in this game is tremendously amped up, including a fight on top of a train, and running on the roof's of collapsing buildings. In other segments, you just walk through a village and intoduce yourself to non-english speaking people, or admire artifacts in a secret room.
Uncharted 2 is huge graphical improvement from the first entry. The character models were the best I'd seen until Uncharted 3, the enviroments look extremeley realistic as well, with the snowcaped mountans of nepal, or the dense jungles of burma as your background, with rubble, changing scapes of snow, and leaves blowing throughout the jungle.
Uncharted 2 features alot of profanity, almost everyword short of the ones that make a film rated R. Violence is amped up as well, with a bigger focus on hand to hand combat, with moves such a neck snapping, and pulling the pin on grenades attached to the other guys belt. Blood is more present than in Drakes Fortune, but not in the gory style of Call of Duty.
A suggestive scene is shown in one of the first cinematics, but it implies more than does show, and I would say it's at the PG level. On another note, this game established Drake as a thief, so he's not exactly your perfect role model.
When it was released, Uncharted 2 won the highest amount of game of the year awards ever. This number was only surpassed by Uncharted 3, a later the last of us, another Naughty Dog game, if that tells you anything. It is a phenomenal game, and not only that a buttload of fun. I highly reccomend it to any PlayStation gamer, and if you don't have the PS3, when the price goes down, get one, this is one of the no brainer games to go with.
9 out of 10
go buy it....
Developed by Naughty Dog
Published by Sony Computer Entertainment
Released in 2009
Rated T by the ESRB
For PS3
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