August 27, 2014

Arrow (Season 1)

My Name, is not Oliver Queen...

But Arrow's is...

Arrow is the story of Millionare Playboy Oliver Queen, who was stranded for five years on an island, with one goal...survive.  While on that island, he bumps into a group of mercenaries, who torture him, escaping, he joins forces with Slade Wilson with the goal of getting of the island.

5 year's later...
Oliver is rescued by a fishing boat.  He returns to Starling City, with a Bow, a Hood, and a mission to take down the cities corrupt.  

The acting can be extremeley wobbly at times, which makes some characters feel...flat or 2D.  The special effects are great...for TV, but aren't bad (don't think the "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Movie", they're better than that for sure).  It took me a while to warm up to Oliver played by Steven Amell, but after the first...6 episode's he became awesome.  The female characters are limited to His mom(a lying jerkface), his sister Thea(an jerk druggy for 10 episodes), his freind Felicity(a funny, yet blonde stereotype), and his former girlfriend Laural that he cheated on(she's to forgiving).  Male Characters include Diggle(his security agent, who become's partner in stopping crime), Det. Lance(Laural's dad who hate's him), his best friend Tommy(clueless), and Mr. Merlyn...Tommy's Dad(The Villain).  
An interesting line-up, eh?

Arrow has it all...
*Frequent Language
*Violence....Arrow is one of the few Heroes that kills people
*Occasional Sensual Scene....Oliver has a relationship with 3 women over the course of 8 months\23 episodes
*Frightning\Intense Scenes...People aren't who we thought they were, sucide is shown, mild torture, and the "undertaking* that happen's in the final episode is on par with The Dark Knight Rises level of destruction\chaos.

It's....ENJOYABLE, that's something most TV show's aren't.  I'm reviewing this because...It's a great comic book film, in it's own right.  If you haven't been watching it, go watch, be happy.  It has it's flaw's, but they're outweighed by pure awesomeness.  With the upcoming Flash TV series...I wonder if this contnuity, will in fact be a part of the 2017 Justice League movie, I know I want it to be.  It doesn't seem like connecting this to the Man of Steel Universe would be that hard, I mean Marvel is doing it with Agent's of S.H.E.I.L.D./Agent Carter, right?  The series really begins to pick up around halfway through the season, so persevere through.  

7 out of 10
This is not the rating for the show as a whole, just the first season.  After I finish Season 2, I'll also review it.  Please share your thought's with me below!!! 

August 15, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Hey you said it yourself jerkface...we're the "Guardians of the Galaxy"

Child of the 80s Peter Quill is abducted from earth after his mother dies.  He grow's up and becomes the legendary Star Lord...who no one knows about.  After he steals an orb with an ancient power, the assassin Gamora tries to take it from him, but right before she's going to kill him, The bounty hunter's named Rocket and Groot, try and stop her so they can get the money on Quill's head.  All four of them get arrested and taken to a Space prison, where they meet Drax, who want's to get revenge on the man who killed his family, who just happens to be the one who want's the orb.  The five conspire to escape together, with Star Lord, Gamora, Rocket and Groot conspiring to sell the Orb, with Drax escaping to go on his hunt for Vengence.  But against all odd's, in empty space, the 5 misfit's set out to save the GALAXY.   

Well let's see, it's Rated PG-13, as with every other Marvel film, there is violence.  The Guardians kill their, wiether it be by sword, guns or tree roots.  I would have to say there's more violence featured in the film than I was expecting, but none of it's chalk full of gore.  Language is the biggest issue in this movie for me.  Lot's profane word's, including slang terms for anatomy, which in turn make's it even less appropriate for young viewers.  And as the other the entries in the  M.C.U. series, there's plenty of banter, which sometime's can be sexually suggestive.

I did enjoy the movie, so much I checked out the Rocket Raccoon comic series (BTW it's a fantastic comedy), Although Rocket's really the only Guardian I absolutley love, I still liked the other four.  The whole premise was fun, the soundtrack was phenomenal (look up the Awesome Mix Vol. 1), and the comedy was entertaining, but at the end of the day, do the Guardian's actually know what being a hero is?  None of them seem to be humble at all.  In the movie, they do eventually decide to do the right thing, but only after doing the wrong thing's.  And like Iron Man, at the end of the movie they're character's don't even seem to change much.  As much as the comedy Superhero movies in the M.C.U. are entertaining, they just don't seem to seem to have character development, like the X-Men or Batman films.

Enjoyable, Funny, Action Filled, summer block buster, hat is becoming a standard these days.  As much as the negative elements in Guardians of the Galaxy anoyed me, I still enjoyed the movie.  On a positive note, it is the most innovative film in phase 2 and is sure to be quoted for years to come.
Looking for the perfect way to forget about the hot sun outside? Go see GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY.

8.5 out of 10
Although not without it's everything else in the world...this was a great addition to the Marvel film franchise.  For Details please see IMDB, as this movie was a whopper with cast and crew and stuff...

LIVE LONG AND PROSPER...wrong movie oh well.