Video Game Time Reviews was founded on October 25th, 2012.  I'm Brian Hutchins, author and mastermind behind the fallen empire that is VGTR.  I originally used this site as an outlet to express my thoughts on PlayStation 2 games, but soon I began to also talk about movies, comics and more. Over the years, I've gone through phases of writing this blog.  I can go months without touching it, and return to have an amazing spurt of inspiration.  In between blogging sessions, I have attempted to launch a YouTube version of VGTR, which to some degree I was succesful at (It ran for 7 episodes), as well as a Podcast which didn't take off (none of the episodes were officially released).  

Now it's August 2017, and I'm returning to rebuild the original and most fundamental piece of the puzzle: The Blog.  

Live Long and Prosper,


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