October 28, 2012

Lego Batman for PS2, DS, PC, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP

Lego batman cover.jpg 
Lego's are fun building toys, so why not put them in a fun videogame?  Lego Batman was the first non Star Wars entry.
The basic style of the lego series is here, keeping true to the gameplay established by Lego Star Wars II.  Some changes were made, to help the caped crusader save Gotham.  Batman and Robin can drive cars, climb, punch enemies, and each have a bunch of suits to help them with challenges.  Suits can only be accessed from certain points, which are sometimes hidden, and the player must build it.  You can also build lego peices that are scattered and jumping, throw batarangs, and collect lego studs.
There are also missions that take place at the same time as Batman and Robin's, shown from the villians perspective.
In Gotham City, trouble is begining, as arkham asylum's inmate's have escasped, and Batman must defeat them, and send them on their way back to arkham.  Each of the 15 levels contain a different villian. 
The Graphics in the game are cartoony consisting of lego's on a cartoony 3D background.  Lego character's can bend in places, that they can't in real life.
Texture's are better for Xbox 360, PC, and PS3 versions.
Nothing that bad, but it is rated E10.  Some crude humor is shown, in speechless cutscenes.  I suggest this title for 6 and up.
If looking for a fun family game, or for a young child.  The batman elements are fun, but it really doesn't add to the gameplay, so there's no fresh feeling, compared to Lego Star Wars.  I give this 7.5 out of 10. 


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