January 22, 2014

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

You won't like this if your...hungry...


The plot follows Dr. Bruce Banner, who is on the run from the government.  5 years prior, bruce had been working with the government to re-create the captain america serum, but when this backfires on him...his mullecular structrue changes, so that when he's angry he turns into a green rage monster called the Hulk.  When he's not running throughout south america, he's trying to find a cure, but out of nowhere a possible leads brings him back to the one place...he just can't go..the U.S. 

Hulk smashes lot of people when he's angry.  The whole point of this film, is that he dosen't want to be angry, but people just keep making him angry.  There's some suggestive themes, as well as language.  Overall this movie is not as bad content wise as Iron Man.

The Incredible Hulk is much better than the 2003 film HULK.  Although it feels somewhat like a sequel, it's actually a reboot, and the second film of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Hulk is a darker story than Iron Man, but not as crude.  The backstory is only shown in a quick flashback in the opening credits, so it does help to have some form of knowledge regarding the hulk when watching this.  The story is good, the acting is good, and the movie is good...just not as good as Iron Man.

6 out of 10

Edward Norton as Bruce Banner/Hulk
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross
Tim Roth as Abomination
William Hurt as Gen. Ross
Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader

Dirceted by Louis Leterrier

Music by Craig Armstrong

Produced by Marvel Studios

Rated PG-13

Released 2008

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